aims to produce and publish the best information available on the internet regarding Kayaking. Information that will help you not only get started in kayaking but will also allow you to excel in it. is the Ultimate Guide to kayaking online—where to go, and what to buy.
We are building a ‘links-based’ web portal for kayak enthusiasts. The web site provides rapid, up to date research on kayak tripping and wilderness camping information– destinations, how to buy a kayak and the appropriate gear–by linking users directly to the products.
Our plan for the site is to become a vibrant and popular online community seeking passionate like-minded kayaking enthusiasts. We’d like to hear from you–where you’ve paddled and about your trip. Let us know if you would like to become a contributor. We’d love to hear from you. Let us know how we can improve our web site for your next visit. is always growing, so check back regularly for the latest updates on our progress to becoming the ultimate guide for you.